
About Treasure Island - Antique And Thrift

We are your go-to provider of exquisite and rare artifacts, bringing you the finest quality pieces worldwide. We have unique, high-quality items in our inventory. Our passion for these timeless treasures is reflected in our carefully curated collection, where each item tells its own unique story. At Treasure Island - Antique And Thrift, we believe that each piece has a purpose and a story to tell, and we are here to help you find the perfect addition to your collection. Our team of experts scours the globe for the most unique and intriguing artifacts, from antique furniture to vintage decor and collectibles. We have been in business for 12 years, and we specialize in providing an eclectic mix of antique and vintage items, all of which are sourced with meticulous attention to detail. Our pieces are not just beautiful but also rich in history and culture, representing different eras and styles from around the world. Whether you are a seasoned collector or just starting out, Treasure Island - Antique And Thrift has something for everyone. We pride ourselves on our exceptional customer service and expert knowledge, which we are more than happy to share with you. Come and explore our collection and discover the magic of antiques, vintage, and collectibles.